Gay Jock Jaxon Is A Heavy Cummer!

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Hey guys! I'm back from my holiday and still slightly aching from all that dancing in a big muddy field. I have some bruises, bad sunburn and plenty of great memories, only the latter I hope will stick around :) So I need to get back into the swing of things today and who better to help with that than handsome and built Jaxon!? He's a new dude over on the Sean Cody site, a big and meaty guy with a rock solid dick raring to go from the start. He's a very horny guy and he knows what he likes. He loves stroking his cock and he seems pretty talented when it comes to pleasuring his meat and showing it off for all the guys out there. He has a thing for guys with tongue rings. Personally I've only ever been sucked off by one guy with a tongue piercing and it was just okay, but he seems to have a thing about it. I don't know if that's what he was thinking about to get that load, but what a great cum shot he delivers at the end! I love seeing a dude really enjoying his dick like that and splashing out a good mess :) Stick around for a male model post, or click through to check out the video of this horny guy beating his meat and spewing a cum wad out. Gay Jock Jaxon Is A Heavy Cummer 1 Gay Jock Jaxon Is A Heavy Cummer 2 Gay Jock Jaxon Is A Heavy Cummer 3 Gay Jock Jaxon Is A Heavy Cummer 4 Gay Jock Jaxon Is A Heavy Cummer 5 Gay Jock Jaxon Is A Heavy Cummer 6

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8 years ago

He’ll be a fantastic bottom.

8 years ago


8 years ago

Whoa, cuddle cute!…big things cum in little packages, indeed.

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