Furry Boy Benny Keenan Arrives For A Solo Jack Off

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If you're a fan of the boys they deliver at Bel Ami (and who in their right mind isn't?) you're gonna love this sexy new arrival.

His name is Benny Keenan and he's a little different to many of the other boys they present. They're pretty well known for their young and smooth guys, but Benny is a little more furry than the usual. If you love seeing naturally hairy boys showing off then you're going to enjoy seeing this young man in his debut.

Benny is quite a typical young man. He's confident and a little cocky, spends his time hanging out with his friends, talking about football and girls and that kind of thing, and he's not interested in a steady relationship.

Ah, to be young again! lol

He's also pretty cute and has a hot body and a hard uncut cock that he's really not shy about getting out and playing with, but you can see that from the photos.

I would recommend clicking here and watching him in action because I think this guy is going to be around for a while and I can't be the only one who really wants to see him teamed up with one of their other guys for a very hot session.

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3 years ago

So cute hard hot … wouah !

3 years ago

When I read “hairy” and then saw his chest I thought WTF? Then I looked at the lower half of his body. It’s odd that he’s so hairy in one area and almost bare in the other. Cute guy.

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