French Muscle Man Antoine Morieult Is Back

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I have no idea why we haven't seen this French muscle man since 2019, but I'm glad I found these pics of him in my emails this morning.

Antoine Morieult is one of those handsome and powerful looking men we want to see a whole lot more of. I'm not sure why we haven't.

I did a little digging this morning and it seems he hasn't been modeling a whole lot in the last few years.

I'm guessing it's not his primary interest.

I did read somewhere that he's also a fighter. I think that means boxing. You don't see many men with that kind of build involved in any other form of combat sport.

I can honestly say that I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of any of his punches!

Whatever he's doing I really wish more photographers would persuade him into modeling for them, and I wish more than one would convince this French muscle man into a nude shoot.

His physique is just so immense. You can totally imagine him in some traditionally themed shoots like those from back in the 1950s, right?

Anyway, enjoy him again. Let's all hope we get a lot more of him in the next year or so. Four years is way too long to have to wait for this guy :)

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Um Brasileiro
Um Brasileiro
1 year ago

Quantos músculos (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡

1 year ago

Hi, do u date, get nude and play??

1 year ago

The seventh photo from the top is especially sexy. Whatever type of fighting he does, let’s hope he doesn’t take any hits to the face.

1 year ago

j’ai un gros bémol à propos des côtés un peu “salis ” des photos et la coupe de cheveux, bof

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