French Jock Matthieu Riffi

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I think most of us are pretty accustomed to seeing the typical "jock" models coming out the USA, but there are so many others out there coming out of Europe too. I have a thing for French men especially, so seeing the handsome and defined Matthieu Riffi in this shoot and reading a little more about him led me to creating this post and sharing him with you all.

The shoot by Kris Scmitz may look pretty simple and straightforward, but there's a suggestion that this model may also be an actor, thanks to all the expressive poses and looks he gives to the camera in a few of the shots. I guess these things often go hand in hand though.

He is certainly handsome, and he has a fine body too. Although this is the first time we've had him on the blog I will be looking for more of him in the coming weeks and months. I may be enforcing stereotypes here, but I think we all know that those handsome European models are often more inclined to be a little more revealing in their work. Fingers crossed I can find more shots of this guy showing a little more for the fans too ;)

French Jock Matthieu Riffi (1)

French Jock Matthieu Riffi (2)

French Jock Matthieu Riffi (3)

French Jock Matthieu Riffi (4)

French Jock Matthieu Riffi (5)

French Jock Matthieu Riffi (6)

French Jock Matthieu Riffi (7)

French Jock Matthieu Riffi (8)

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11 years ago

Not only does he have a hot bod and face, I love his expressions! Its way more than the sterile look most give. Great post Thanks Conran!

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