French Jock Lucas Staub Has A Bulge To Display

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We do enjoy a lovely bulge on a hot guy, and French jock Lucas Staub is definitely the kind of guy we like to see in his undies! This is our first time enjoying the handsome man, but I'm quite certain it won't be the last. As I understand it, he's a photographer as well as a model, and he has an interesting moody style that he lends to most of his work. I know these pics are by Lucas Albrecht, but I think we might get to see what Lucas does with a camera in a future post. We all know it takes a certain kind of man to pose in underwear successfully. I definitely think this handsome French jock has what it takes. You need a good dick to fill up a pouch the right way, and he's obviously got enough to deliver an impressive collection of shots. While I haven't done a whole lot of digging since he arrived in my emails this morning I don't think he's appeared in a lot of bulge shoots. Maybe that will change after this? Enjoy him for the first time here, leave a comment and hit the thumbs-up button if you want to see more of him. Have a lovely Saturday and I'll see you back here tomorrow for more!

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1 year ago

Yep, you can be seen with him!

1 year ago

juste un regret : pourquoi ne pas montrer ses fesses bien enveloppées dans le sous vêtement?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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