French Hairy Hunk Jordan!

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I've got a great mix of pics for you of a guy who actually reads the Gay Body Blog and wanted to share his work with us! I love it when a guy contacts us directly and offers some content to share with the fans, and I think you're definitely gonna appreciate the work of hairy hunk Jordan!

He spent some time telling us a little about himself; that he's living in Canada, has a new book project coming out next year, worked for the primary sponsor of Montreal Pride this year and has just completed some promotion work for Priape for their Winter campaign.

You guys already know that I have a real thing for naturally hairy guys, and Jordan is one of those I could admire all day long.I especially love the white fur on his chest in these winter themed shots. It's definitely imaginative and interesting, not to mention sexy! ;)

I'm looking forward to sharing some more of this gorgeous man in the future, but in the meantime, check out these pics by Dominic Brunet for Fugues and Alexandre Berthiaume for Priape.

Check out some more pics over on one of his profile pages too.

Jordan for Fugues

Jordan for Priape

Hairy Male Model Jordan for Priape

Sexy Underwear model for Priape

Three hot underwear guys

Jordan at Montreal Gay Pride

Male model Jordan on stage


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13 years ago

oh, yes…! jordan is an amazing model and i’ve had a bit of a crush on him for awhile now. maybe i should feature him on my blog, too!

13 years ago

Absolutely amazing. So f… hot!
I have been in love with him for ages. LOVE his hairy chest.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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