Frat Jock Carter Woods Punishes Trevor Harris

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I know I've said this before but us Brits have a few stereotypes we really love to see in American porn. I guess we have a kinky interest in things like frat boys, wrestlers, cops and cowboys etc, so it's not too surprising that this hardcore scene from Next Door Studios caught my eye!

Carter Woods is the buff and sexy Pledge Master who needs to put one of his pledges back in line after a little naughtiness, and he has all the tools needed to do exactly that in this video.

Don't worry, it's less about the spanking and paddling and more about Carter using his position to get plenty of what he wants.

And you don't need to worry about Trevor Harris, either. This lanky twink really enjoys sucking his pledge master's cock, getting his own dick slurped by the handsome young man and taking that raw dick in his hot hole for a thorough fucking!

I have to admit that seeing porn like this really makes me wish we had fraternities here in the UK when I was that age. I know it's mostly just a fantasy but I still feel as though I missed out lol

Enjoy some pics and click here for the full video!

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3 years ago

I don’t know why the porn posts get down-voted so much. Anyway, Carter Woods can get it any time. Any. Time.

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