Francisco Aponte And Friends For Male Basics

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You guys know I hate it when I cant find the names of the hot models appearing in a shoot, but although I managed to find out that Francisco Aponte is one of the guys in this shoot for Male Basics I don't know who his two friends are.

I can tell you that the shoot was taken by photographer Anibal Velasquez, but the names of the other two guys have eluded my investigation efforts. Still, I think you guys will enjoy all three of these dudes showing off their bulges and their sexy bodies in this shoot.

Oh, and I guess I should say that Francisco is the handsome and buff hottie on the far left in the trio shot of the guys.

I love a good sporty themed shoot, and although this one is a little too subtle for my tastes I can still appreciate the style and the playfulness of some of the photos too, it makes for a great collection of shots.

I was quite surprised to see that we haven't had any posts featuring the work of this photographer on the blog before, but after seeing these I think I might have to go out there and get a good look at what Anibal Velasquez has done before, and since.

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10 years ago

the other two are José Velasquez & Francis Freyche

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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