Former Rugby Hottie Thom Evans

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You know we've had the gorgeous Rugby playing hunk Thom Evans on the blog before if you keep track of gorgeous sportsmen, and I know plenty of you do. He's always been a very popular man on the blog, and that's understandable considering how handsome he is, what a great body he has and the fact that he's a sportsman too. I know I am not the only one with a love of Rugby players!

He's one of the best when it comes to male models who transitioned from sport into becoming an idolized and adored hunk out there on the internet. I know he has a massive gay following, and that's totally understandable considering some of the photos and videos he's appeared in bearing more flesh than almost any other Rugby hunk in the world.

I cannot say enough about this hottie, but I will add that I think he looks just a little bit hotter when he lets his stubble grow a little. Sure, I'd take him on regardless, but there is no doubt he was hot as a rough and rugged hairy hunk previously and I would prefer to see him keep that look going.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go and think about a Rugby locker room situation for a little while ;)

Former Rugby Hottie Thom Evans (1)

Former Rugby Hottie Thom Evans (2)

Former Rugby Hottie Thom Evans (3)

Former Rugby Hottie Thom Evans (4)

Former Rugby Hottie Thom Evans (5)

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