Flashing Cop Cock With Handsome Hunk Ayo Cooper

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When this hard cop cock arrived in my emails this morning I knew he was going to make it to the blog today.

I mean, how could I not share this handsome muscled hunk showing off his inches?

The guy is Ayo Cooper, and I'm not sure why that name is so familiar to me.

I'm guessing he might have been in porn at some point. Either that of I've seen him on cam.

Whatever the deal is, I'm glad to have him here.

Can we talk for a moment about the uniform?

It's pretty convincing. I've seen some strippers who wear uniforms far less realistic than this guy's getup.

If he showed up to your Halloween party looking like this you'd think a neighbor had complained lol

And that dick... what do we need to say other than we'd all love to play with it.

I'm reliably told he's Hungarian and in his 20s. I don't know what he might have appeared in but after seeing him showing off that cop cock I think I might need to do a little more digging.

Enjoy him. Drop a comment. Hit the thumbs-up button. Let me know if you'd like him to arrest you :)

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3 days ago

He can arrest me and search me in and out anytime!

9 hours ago

mmm handcuff me,strip search me and throw away the key!

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