Fitness Model Roberto Benavides Is Looking Great In This Shoot By José Miguel Serrano

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Happy Friday guys!

I know I say this a lot, but the weeks seem to be flying by and I'm kind of sad that the summer seems to be over already.

I actually put a cardigan on this morning, and felt quite old.

40.3°C me from back in July is annoyed that I just said this.

Still, we can stay a little hotter by enjoying the sight of sexy fitness model Roberto Benavides in this shoot by José Miguel Serrano.

Given the fact that he's a fitness model it will come as absolutely no surprise that he's also a personal trainer.

Just once I want to find a hot male model who's also an accountant. Or even better, a freelance writer! lol

Whatever he could choose to do for a living he's looking very sexy in this shoot, bathed in seductive red, teasing us a little in nothing but his underwear.

It seems he's been modeling since around 2017, but this is the first time we've seen him. I don't think it's going to be the last.

Enjoy his pics, leave a comment, hit the thumbs up button. I'm going to live dangerously and consider putting the heating on for the first time since March. Wish me luck.

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2 years ago

Not impressed

2 years ago

Wow, beautiful man: face, muscles, nipples, deep navel, treasure trail! But what about his dick?

2 years ago

red color and nice body’s parts : passion !

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