Fitness Model Dane Johnson

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Occasionally I see a really hot young guy just starting out in the business of modeling and I immediately hope they do extremely well, just because I really want to see a whole lot more of them!

Young hunk Dane Johnson is definitely classed as one of those guys I could follow through his career. He is so incredibly handsome, with a great sporty jock body and fantastic smile to top it all off!

He's only twenty-four, and I guess he's just starting out in the fitness modeling world having moved on to that from being a personal trainer. It seems like a logical choice though. After building up that great body helping others to stay in shape, it seems only natural that you'd progress to showing it off in an effort to inspire (while earning a decent living in the process)

Is there more opportunity in fitness modeling or personal training? I can't say I've ever thought about it, but it seems that so many do both. If you have the looks, and the body to go with it, it all makes sense!

Enjoy a collection of his pics, admire the beautiful body, and join me in hoping we see a lot more of him in the future :)

Dane Johnson - Handsome Pro Pose Dane Johnson - Sexy Muscle Pose Dane Johnson - The Farm Boy Look Dane Johnson - Gorgeous Dane Johnson - Hot Abs Dane Johnson - Beach Body Dane Johnson - Fashion Pose Dane Johnson - Muscle Jock  

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13 years ago

I think he is a lovely man, but a fitness trainer….not so much.

When I think of trainers I think of bodies like Jed Hill or Franco Corelli. Men with more meat and muscle.

Dane is obviously attractive and I think he will do well as a model, where thinner frames are pretty much a requirement.

13 years ago

I was just talking about perception Con. People see a big guy and think he must really know what he’s doing to get so big.

People see a slim guy and think he’s a luck dog, not how hard it is to stay slim and toned like that.

I agree, Dane is VERY handsome and sexy 😉

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