Fitness Hunk Ross Edgley

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Some guys are really out there in the spotlight when it comes to male fitness and health, and perhaps not surprisingly a lot of them are totally hot and hunky. A friend of mine who's currently building up to a professional status is really focusing on his diet at the moment, and Ross Edgley is now like his God!

This gorgeous guy with his really hot bod on show in these pics works with a leading protein supplement company and regularly gives advice on nutrition and fitness. And I guess that with a hot body like that he can actually talk with some authority on the subject!

He started off as a pro Water Polo player here in the UK, and then gained a Sports Science Degree while being a male model too. I know a lot of guys work to put themselves through university or college, but how many get the experience of modeling too?

It obviously paid off, because recently he's progressed to TV and after several appearances he's now producing and directing, and advising on numerous projects!

I really love the outdoor shot with the dark edges, pretty stylish and hot, kind of like walking through a park at night and just stumbling across a really hot guy with his shirt off! I can't remember the last time that happened to me lol

Ross Edgley Ross Edgley Ross Edgley Ross Edgley Ross Edgley Ross Edgley Ross Edgley Ross Edgley Ross Edgley


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13 years ago

Great upper body, but I’m never sure about anyone’s total build if they keep their legs covered. Legs make the man.

Huynh Ty
Huynh Ty
13 years ago

Y are very handsome .

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