Fitness Hunk Bryan Hawn Is A Real Tease

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Yes, I have another tease for you guys today, but I don't think you're gonna mind that too much when you see the amazing ass of Bryan Hawn. He's a male model and fitness hunk, writing articles and books, helping people to achieve their goals and doing it with a certain flair you probably won't find with any other man like him. As you can see from these photos, his approach is both sexy and fun. Unlike all the other fitness guys out there with blogs and YouTube channels he doesn't just show off his gym routines and dictate what you should be eating and the supplements you should use (sponsorship, of course) he actually makes it fun and sexy and has plenty of music parody videos on his channel. Clearly he knows he has some great ass-ets, he's always showing off that fine rump and I guess that's one of the reasons everyone loves him so much. Personally, I think it's more about his attitude and humor, though. He really doesn't take it all too seriously. If there's a guy you would want to spend an hour at the gym with, it's definitely him. I get the feeling a good work out with this guy would be 30 minutes work and 30 minutes cracking up laughing on the floor.

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8 years ago

Yes, beautiful man with a great ass, but show it all or go away. Your act is getting old.

6 years ago

Very handsome! A mixture of Allan from Magneto and Alexander Hvaal!!!!!!!!!!!
“Mi amado”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And of course: Nicest ass in the world! Gold(ie):)))))))!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I particularly liked the “Rounder the boardwalk” photo!

Rune Rumper
Rune Rumper
5 years ago

VERY important: Most men hate bodyhair, and also big cocks because a VERY small cock in not even tanga for one makes your ass look even more circular;))!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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