Fit Young Man Rohan Savio Flashes Some Butt

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You all know that I love all kinds of guys, from the slender and handsome twinks to the massively muscled hunks out there in the world, but I think I have a special love for guys built like Rohan Savio.

One of the first guys I ever hooked up with was a handsome and fit young sporty guy like this dude, with a similar body. You can probably imagine that getting it on with him was a hell of a lot of fun :)

Rohan Savio is so handsome, he really reminds me of that first hot young man I used to spend exhausting nights with.

Aside from loving all the teasing nudity in this shoot, I have to say that the best photo in my opinion is the one with him in his sporty gear leaning back and almost inviting some very special attention.

Come on guys, you would not be able to refuse an opportunity like that, right? lol

I think I might have to go out there and see what else I can find featuring this handsome young man. I'm hoping there's a little more nudity, maybe I can give you guys another post of pics that are a little more revealing than these ones?

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9 years ago

He looks stoned. Not cool.

Dwayne Johnson
Dwayne Johnson
9 years ago

I’ve been searching for his social media stuff but can’t find.

9 years ago

I’m with you. Love that body type!

9 years ago

I’m a man that disdains Tom Cruise but can’t get away from the scene in Risky Business where he sits on the floor / puts on a football helmet ( U.S. Football) & calls up the escort.. He was just in his white briefs & as a young guy I always thought somehow I would be laid like that.. It was pure eroticism .. Rohan is such a great face/ body but if you look at each picture, each one his face looks the same except for one.. Let’s do a reshoot & let this one go.. Thank you for finding this gold treasure .. He is stunning but needs a new person behind the camera .. The one thing I do like is the pics look untouched/ no filters or photoshop that I can see

joseph moureau
joseph moureau
9 years ago

I’m fan of all kind of beauties, and this man is one of them

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