Fit New Model Luciano Cunha Jr

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Woohoo! I love finding sexy new male models out there worthy of sharing on the Gay Body Blog, and I think most of you will probably agree that Luciano Cunha Jr is worth ogling in this post. If you don't, then please be assured that I would love to slap you for being so silly.

Photographer Eberson Theodoro is the one responsible for bringing this handsome young man to our attention in what I assume might be his very first collection of images out there. I know we're all hoping for more, and very soon too, right?

He's a very good looking young man, and with a great tight body too.

Now, although I really don't like the competitions and contests where guys (or girls) compete to win a title based on nothing but their appearance, I have to say that he's competing for the title of Mister Santa Catarina 2015. Even though I find those competitions a little morally dubious, I do certainly wish him all the best in his efforts. I don't know what kind of competition he's up against, but I'm sure he's raised the bar quite considerably!

He has an absolutely adorable smile too, something I know we all like to see in a shoot.

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9 years ago

Nice looking guy, he smiles and shows emotions as well, nice!

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