Fit Muscled Biker Dudes By Steeve Beckouet

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There's something real sexy about a handsome and muscled man in leather, but I'm not talking about caps and chaps here, I'm talking about biker leathers. You guys probably know already (if you've followed the blog for a couple of years) that I'm a bit of an "alternative" kinda guy. I'm a rocker, a punk, into classic rock and metal, and with that comes the style. I like the look of a guy in Doc Marten boots and a leather jacket. It's not a fetish thing, I just think a lot of guys look amazing in them. Bikers like these guys look damn sexy too, although it's a bit different obviously. The styling here is all about the actual biker rather than the alternative rocker guy wearing a jacket. And then it's more about the speed biker rather than the traditional bearded and leather clad guy who goes to rallies every weekend and gets wasted on Jack Daniels before passing out next to his tent in a field while listening to Motorhead (RIP Lemmy). Still, photographer Steeve Beckouet has done a damn fine job of showing these guys off and getting my attention. It's a shoot for Attitude Magazine, and one of a few I've seen recently that really grabbed me and made me want to share. Unfortunately I don't know who any of the guys are appearing in this one, but that doesn't detract from their handsome good looks and their impressive jock bodies. Leave a comment, give them a thumbs up, share this post around... all that lovely stuff! Fit Muscled Biker Dudes By Steeve Beckouet 1 Fit Muscled Biker Dudes By Steeve Beckouet 2 Fit Muscled Biker Dudes By Steeve Beckouet 3 Fit Muscled Biker Dudes By Steeve Beckouet 4 Fit Muscled Biker Dudes By Steeve Beckouet 5 Fit Muscled Biker Dudes By Steeve Beckouet 6 Fit Muscled Biker Dudes By Steeve Beckouet 7 Fit Muscled Biker Dudes By Steeve Beckouet 8

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8 years ago

It must kill the tattoo and hairy beast lovers that they had the nerve to pose clean-cut young smooth guys on motorcycles.. Thanks to the photographer and you. Some of us appreciate beauty. Nice!

sunny g
sunny g
8 years ago

I want them and to ride me than the bikes!

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