Fit Model Aaron Valenzuela

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I know what you're thinking, you're not sure about the hair, right? I know, me neither, but the rest of Aaron Valenzuela is certainly worth a look!

He's a handsome guy who has that sexy and mean look about him in this shoot, although I'm sure he's a very pleasant and friendly guy in real life ;)

He's been snapped by photographer Troy Jensen for this shoot, showing off some mens jewelry in a very interesting way. I know they say that sex sells, but it's remarkable how some brands and photographers manage to use that idea in shoots for things that might not actually be that sexy lol

This shoot certainly does the job, and has me paying attention.

Aaron Valenzuela has never been on the blog before, not that I can find anyway. It's really pretty amazing that there are always new guys out there ready to be shown here who you would have thought we would have seen at least once before. I don't know how much of this handsome and fit young man is out there, but I will be going to take a look around and see what else I can find.

In the meantime, enjoy his pics, looking like a badass.

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