Fit Boy Cade Baker Gets His Cock Out For Photographer Manuel Frayre

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Happy Hump Day everyone! I don't know whether you like the midweek or not, but let me know in the comments if you're a glass half full or half empty kind of guy :) I'm looking forward to the weekend and hooking up with someone I haven't seen for a couple of months. I'm predicting we're gonna have a very good time. So, I guess that means I'm an optimist. Now, on to the hotness for today, and I have something pretty special to share with you all. I almost didn't add this as a nude shoot, but then I realized that we do get some hot ass and a little flashing of dick in this one so it wouldn't really class as an "erotic" shoot. It's starring handsome and fit young man Cade Baker, a new name for me but one that I think I'm going to be following after enjoying this interesting shoot. Photographer Manuel Frayre is also new to me, and I think he might be new to the business too because there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of his work out there. After seeing this creative and colorful shoot I definitely hope we get plenty more from the guy. The setting is strange, the coloring is dramatic, and the model is absolutely gorgeous. Let me know what you guys think of him in the comments, and don't you just want to play with that perfect little ass?

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6 years ago

Love that birthmark on his bum!

6 years ago

Great looks, but the photography doesn’t do him justice. Hope there is something better out there!

6 years ago

New wave in the “flou” new art in photography?

William Moore
William Moore
3 years ago

Total waste! That said, was the photographer stoned or what? Meh!

1 year ago

Hi someone on here is giving out a 988 prefix phone number, all 988 phone number is suicide and crisis prevention — u need suicide and crisis prevention hot line–??

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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