Fit Aussie Kim David Smith

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This is my first encounter with Australian hottie Kim David Smith, but I'm really hoping it's not the last!

I have a thing for Australian guys I have to confess. I met a gorgeous Aussie a few years back when I was living in London for a couple of months and we had such a great time, and he was so damn hot too. Kim David Smith reminds me a little of him too, but my guy was a little rougher around the edges. He had that sense of impulsive adventure though, and I can't count the number of times he managed to lead me somwehere I'd never been, or even considered going.

This handsome young man is a personal trainer and a singer too. I know, that's not the usual combination. It seems to me that personal trainer, massage therapist and male model usually all go together, but here's probably not too many model/trainer/singers out there.

Photographer Tyler Dean King is the one snapping these sexy images, and what a great job he's done of it too. The guy has a great body, highlighted perfectly in this collection. Do I need to say much about that gorgeous ass, other than we want to see more? lol

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