Final Episode Of Camp Chaos

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I don't know how I missed this artistic extravaganza over on the site, but now that the final episode of this creative and horny experience has been released I definitely want to go back to the start and see every deliciously hot moment of it.

The series is a creative look at sex, with other guys helping porn star (and artist) Matthew Camp tell stories about horny encounters, edited and produced in a pretty interesting way. No doubt you've seen porn and art collide before, we've had some great examples of that from photographers here before, but this is something a little different and I urge you to check it out.

In this finale Matthew Camp is telling the story of a hot encounter in Hell's Kitchen, and he has some friends to "interview" before meeting Liam Lee and making an instant connection.

The experience they share is fascinating to watch, much more than just another bareback porn scene and something that will either have you wondering what the hell happened or wanting more of it.

Honestly, whenever a site does something new it's going to split the audience. Some just want to watch some guys fucking and shoot off a load, others have a more interesting take on porn and see it as an artistic opportunity to tell a story or be more creative. Camp is definitely the latter, and it shows in this production.

Check out some pics, and remember you get a discount there if you click through our link. It's definitely worth it, you get plenty of awesome action even if this specific video isn't for you.

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5 years ago

Camp used to be attractive when he posted pics where he was effortlessly “accidentally hot.” Today he’s just another mediocre, wannabe porn actor who’s desperate for attention on instagram. He’s doing it because he’s got bills to pay. But it’s pathetic.

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