Fierce Muscle Jock

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I know I ask you guys for assistance a lot when it comes to identifying a male model in a shoot like this, but I'm about to do it again with this collection of shots from ES Collection. I'm pretty certain that we've seen this handsome young man on the blog before, but after I had a really long think about it, I definitely can't put a name to him.

I have to find out who he is though, because he is perhaps one of the most handsome and delicious male models I have seen this year. Everything about him is sexy. He's so good looking he makes me want to scream into a pillow (in a very good way), and that body is just perfect. The crowning glory has to be the bulge of his... "glory" though lol

Now, I have something else to say about this too... ES call this a "Streetwear Collection", but forgive me if I'm wrong, underwear is definitely not street-wear. Okay, it might be considered that for one day in a Pride March, if you happen to be as buff a he is, but not at any other time. The only other times underwear can be considered street-wear is if you've been forced from your home in the middle of the night while you're waiting for the fire brigade to arrive! And even then you'd also have a blanket.

And, can I ask, what's with all the animals? Tight little undies will definitely not protect a guy from a Tiger.

Fierce Muscle Jock (1)

Fierce Muscle Jock (2)

Fierce Muscle Jock (3)

Fierce Muscle Jock (4)

Fierce Muscle Jock (5)

Fierce Muscle Jock (6)

Fierce Muscle Jock (7)

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12 years ago

It’s Kirill Dowidoff, I believe. 🙂

12 years ago

Finn is correct…I recognize the wolf…

12 years ago

He reminds me of my old boyfriend…

12 years ago

I find the animals somewhat distracting from what should be the real focus.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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