Fero Janicek Is Hot, But What’s With The Clothes?

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Do you ever see a photo shoot with a sexy model and ponder for a while what it is they're trying to promote or sell?

I spent far too much time this morning trying to work out what the deal is with this collection of pics featuring Fero Janicek, in a shoot by photographer Amer Mohamad.

I mean this seriously, would you ever wear any of the gear seen here?

I admit I'm not a fashionable person, I've said before that I generally skulk around in torn jeans, big boots, a leather jacket and a '90s rock band t-shirt, but I can still recognize style when I see it and I can't imagine any scenario where any of this would be good to wear.

Sorry, I just realized I haven't even mentioned how damn fine Fero Janicek is.

Ignoring the mustard yellow leather jacket (why would anyone DO that?!) Fero Janicek is indeed a damn fine looking man with a hot bod we want to see more of, which is why I'm going looking for the guy later for another post, hopefully with more flesh than bad fashion lol

Let me know what you think about him, and why not tell me what you think about the style too? Would you wear any of this?

And, sorry for making this a rant about fashion rather than more about him, it happens sometimes :)

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5 years ago

He is a really handsome man! And as for the fashion it is a little avent gaurd, but I don’t mind it at all, and he can pull it off.

5 years ago

Totally agree with your comments.

5 years ago

Ugh this totally screams pretentious high fashion… Seriously, Poor model have to wear such ugly clothing

5 years ago

Ugh this totally screams pretentious high fashion… Seriously, Poor model have to wear such ugly clothing

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