Fernando Fernandes

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May I introduce you to the immaculately gorgeous young stud that is Fernando Fernandes. And yes, you are very welcome. This guy is so hot and stunning he can quite literally take your breath away.

He might be best known for his appearance in Big Brother (that sceurge of modern TV which permeates the summer every single year without fail). Do I sound bitter? Not much.

I'm sorry but I hate that show with a passion. I simply do not understand why people feel the need to watch a house full of regular people being irregular, and then sleeping in night vision. If I wanted that I could look outside my window and get all the drama I needed for a week. And I could buy a pair of night vision goggles and get all the extra action too!

Having said that, In the UK it was presented by the simply divine Davina McCall. Who is lush. And they did have some incredibly sexy young men on the show back in the old days. Does anyone know "Chicken Stu?" If you Goole that you will see exactly what I'm talking about.

Okay, so I think I've gone off course a little...

This guy is hot, tattooed, built, good looking, hot, need I say much more? Feast your eyes...

Fernando FernandesFernando Fernandes - SecretiveFernando Fernandes - With a FriendFernando Fernandes - TasteFernando Fernandes - DramaticFernando Fernandes - LiftingFernando Fernandes - Torso

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Flying Cocks
Flying Cocks
13 years ago

I’m agree with you about BigBrother: it’s a stupid Tv show. And Fernando Fernandez is hot 😉

13 years ago

You are definately not alone in your distaste for that awful show.

Of course, you are not alone in your praise of Fernando either. He is amazingly sexy, every single shot of him is fantastic.

13 years ago

This man is hot … but now there are after an accident seven years ago or so …. … but he was paraplegic with a lot of willpower to keep its beauty and became a great athlete to win the South American championship canoeing. Searching his name in google and see how he is today.

13 years ago

this guys got sculpture-personified.

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