Feeling Athletic With Tobias Reuter By Joseph Sinclair

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I think it's probably right to suggest that photographer Joseph Sinclair has a certain type of guy he loves to take photos of, and when you look at the past shoots we've seen here it becomes quite clear. It's also entirely understandable, his subjects are youthful, fit, sporty... they're the guys I lusted after when I was a geeky and shy student. Tobias Reuter is a new one, a sexy guy we haven't seen on the Gay Body Blog before but one I can imagine we're going to be enjoying for years to come. He's one of those guys you can just tell is going to only get sexier with age. When he's in his 30's he likely to look muscled and ripped, handsome and hunky, the kind of man we'll still be enjoying here! He's looking great in these photos for Victor Magazine, giving us the whole "college boy" style, but a little mean and dirty at the same time. It's a little rough around the edges, a little more real than a lot of other shoots with college jock themes, if that makes sense? That's one of the reasons I like shoots by Joseph Sinclair, he's one of those guys who does idealize his images. Let me know in the comments what you guys think of him. Isn't he gorgeous?

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7 years ago

Love this guy, especially those hairy legs. Hope you find some more pictures of him to post!

7 years ago

Nice looking guy…..nice body…..looks good in the skimpy underwear!

4 years ago

[…] through the archives and realized we hadn’t seen handsome and athletic young Tobias Reuter for more than two years I went looking for more of the sexy […]

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