Feeding My Love Of Underwear With Some Handsome Hunks

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I have something a little different for you guys today. My visit to the gym this morning was a special one. Normally I get to enjoy one or two good looking hunks - while trying to not be too distracted - but I didn't have any hope of maintaining my focus this morning. When I arrived and went into the locker room I got to my usual spot and right opposite me was a gorgeous hunk in nothing but his underwear, having a long and in-depth conversation on his phone. What makes this hotter is that he wasn't wearing what you might call everyday undies. These weren't boxers or tighty whities, he was in a Candyman jock strap showing off his perfect muscle ass and his big cock bulge. So, after trying (and failing) to have a proper workout while thinking about that guy in his sexy Candyman undies I decided to go looking around on the Internet, and I found some really hot guys showing off some gear for the DudeUndies site. Some of you might know that I've spent a lot of money on underwear in the past, but I worked it out and calmed down for a while. Well, I think I'm having a relapse, I might have to start spending some money on these. But, I need your assistance. Which of the following do you think would be most appropriate for showing off in the locker room and inviting some very welcome attention? And no, I'm not seriously thinking about wearing that cop outfit or those love hearts on my ass, but I'm adding those just because I think those guys look gorgeous, and I might get those for after I've snared a guy in the locker room! lol Leave a comment and let me know what you think, and say a little prayer for the credit card I'm about to punish. I linked each model to open the respective underwear on DudeUndies if ya like what you see ;)

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7 years ago


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