Fascinating Eroticism By Photographer Blake Yelavich

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Happy Saturday guys! Finally the weekend is here and we can all relax a little, or at least most of us can. Then again, I feel like I'm not doing a whole lot at the best of times so I guess Saturday is just another day for me right now lol

Maybe I'm trying to make today a little more different by sharing something on the blog that really stands out as unique and interesting.

It's an erotic shoot by photographer Blake Yelavich, and the second I saw it I was intrigued. The model is apparently only known as Errich, and try as I might I wasn't able to find out any more information about him.

Why is this shoot so impressive to me? As you know I'm a bit of an arty-farty kinda guy, so these photos really grabbed me from a composition and color point of view. They look like they could be paintings. The eroticism is so cleverly done you could almost miss it if you weren't paying attention.

Mostly I'm wondering what treatment these images had after being taken. I want to say that it looks like they've been manipulated but it's really hard to tell. I think this is really just through the mottled texture of a shower door but either way it's quite amazing visually.

Anyway, enjoy the sexiness of this extremely teasing shoot from an apparently anonymous model and let me know what you think in the comments. Wouldn't you like one of these on a canvas on your bedroom wall?

Have a great day!

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4 years ago

Hidden, looming, glamorous, like him

4 years ago

“passer au bleu ” veut dire tant de choses en langue française …

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