Fantasizing Over Male Model Nabil Taleb

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For the past few weeks I've been seeing a lot more shoots by photographer Nicholas Andrews, and I think I might be falling in love with his taste in guys. I don't know if he's the only one picking out the dudes who pose for him, but if so he has awesome taste in guys.

Nabil Taleb is another new name, but now that I've seen these photos of the gorgeous guy you can bet I'm gonna be adding him to my list of dudes to keep looking for.

I've spent far too much time this morning ogling that fine jock body and his gorgeous face, but it's a worthy use of my time, I think you'll all agree.

I know I say this quite a lot, but this is the kind of man I lust after when I see them getting all sweaty at the gym. He's got that easy attractiveness about him, like he doesn't have to work too hard for it. You can't imagine him obsessing over the way he looks, he just wakes up like this and hits the street.

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe this handsome hunk spends hours a week perfecting that scruffy beard?

I don't actually care, as long as we get to appreciate him in shoots like this one.

Has he done any nude or sexy shoots? I don't know, but you can be damn sure I'm gonna go looking :)

Leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button, and have a great Wednesday guys!

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5 years ago


5 years ago

A bit too hairy for my taste but how can you say no to this beautiful face 6th photo

5 years ago

Perfect in every way!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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