Exhibitionism With Uncut Guy Alexi Carpentieri

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A little while ago we had some sexy naked guys getting their dicks out for photographer Jonas Norén, and Alexi Carpentieri was one of those guys. I wanted to find some more of the dudes he was taking pics of so I did a little searching and found some more shots of this handsome guy flashing his uncut cock out in the open. I thought you guys might enjoy seeing him! This is one of those shoots where it's not about a professional male model showing off and doing his job. This is about an average guy who happens to be pretty damn good looking, with a nice body, showing off a deliciously nice uncut cock that I think we would all love the opportunity to play with. The thing I love the most about all of this is the setting. There's something about a guy just getting his cock out in the open like this, stripping down in the wild, letting it all hang out... it just does something for me. If you've ever enjoyed being naked in the great outdoors then you probably get what I mean. It's not just liberating, it's not just about some kind of hippie dippy thing, it's actually pretty horny to get your cock out in the woods or in the middle of a field somewhere. Why do I get the feeling that he rubbed one out at least once on when these photos were being taken? lol Let me know what you think about getting that dick out in the wild, have you done it? What was it like? Leave a comment below, and don't forget to give this guy a thumbs-up too! Exhibitionism With Uncut Guy Alexi Carpentieri 1 Exhibitionism With Uncut Guy Alexi Carpentieri 2 Exhibitionism With Uncut Guy Alexi Carpentieri 3 Exhibitionism With Uncut Guy Alexi Carpentieri 4 Exhibitionism With Uncut Guy Alexi Carpentieri 5 Exhibitionism With Uncut Guy Alexi Carpentieri 6 Exhibitionism With Uncut Guy Alexi Carpentieri 7 Exhibitionism With Uncut Guy Alexi Carpentieri 8

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Shane Hill
Shane Hill
2 years ago

Being nude out in nature is an amazing feeling. I have done it a.few.times.as well as photographed a few nude.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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