Everything Is Going Cowboy

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I've had a sense over the last few months that there's some kind of increasing fascination with all things Cowboy and Wild West. I've seen some adult sites doing it, and a lot of fashion and underwear companies either creating lines with that feel to them or shooting their models in this kind of setting. That's been made more apparent to me today after seeing some shots from a new Gregg Homme collection with some gorgeous male models posing in the same theme.

The Gregg Homme 2013 FW Campaign is packed with this style and imagery, with some extremely sexy guys showing off some incredibly sexy gear too, and I have to admit that I am a little impressed with it all.
There's been some dark and Gothic styling going on recently too, but although I was drawn to all that there is something more interesting about these new collections from Gregg Homme.
I'm not sure how "practical" some of the gear is, but then if all we wanted was to stick our dicks in practical underwear we would never have evolved from aubergine y-fronts lol
These guys know how to sell sexy underwear, and although I don't know why we're all going Cowboy all of a sudden I;m certainly not complaining about seeing these hotties in such poses ;)
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11 years ago

My kind of cowboy!!!

11 years ago


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