Everyone Wanted To See More Of Ben Palacios
Obviously when I posted the first photos of gorgeous model, actor and podcaster Ben Palacios here at Gay Body Blog last month I knew for sure that he was going to be very popular with you guys.
And it wasn't just because he was naked and hard in one of those images.
This gorgeous man is so damn sexy it's hard to pick just one thing about him that we love.
He's clearly the kind of guy who doesn't shy away from adventure. Within moments of seeing him you can already imagine a lot and have certain things worked out.
It goes without saying he's a surfer and loves the outdoors. You can't look like this guy does and live in California without being a surfer, right? lol
I also feel as though he's from my generation. I don't actually know how old he is, but after reading a little about him I get the feeling he was a grunge teen in the '90s, like so many of us were. You can just imagine him rocking out to Pearl Jam on the beach while passing a joint to a friend lol
Maybe I'm romanticizing. Maybe he wasn't any of those things. Who he is now is pretty damn interesting though and I cant wait to see more of him.
I think I might watch some of his movies this weekend.

Last picture! I could dive onto and into him!
fire and more
Ride him like a skateboard!