Everyone Remember Frat Boy Jaden Storm?

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I can't believe this is the first time we've seen gorgeous male model, adult performer and weight lifter Jaden Storm on the blog. I was sure we'd enjoyed him in the past but I guess it might have been just one or two photos in a bigger collection of guys.

Anyway, most of you probably know who he is. I remember when I found him for the first time, many years ago, sharing a certain Frat House with a bunch of other guys and making very sexy videos with his friends. That was before that business folded and disappeared into the annals of Internet history, but it seems this handsome and fit young man hasn't stopped performing on cam and showing off his goodies for some photographers.

I don't know who the photographer is for these photos but they've captured everything he's about pretty well. I will say that these appear to be from a few years back, because he seems to be a lot more muscular these days. It makes sense, he's been competing professionally in the power lifting world for a couple of years at least and he's gained quite a bit of muscle.

I think he's so handsome, and so sexy. I've always liked him, he was one of my faves when I was watching those guys in that house years ago :)

Enjoy him, leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button and have a good Sunday too.

By the way, anyone else noticing the days just seeping into one another? I keep having to remind myself where we are in the week lol

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4 years ago

Jaden has done online Fans Only exclusively with porn chicks and inked muscle buddy Steve Rickz.

4 years ago

Apart from his fixed (non)expression, he’s lush.

2 years ago

Jaden is looking like one of my friends. Very sexy man. His expression is sometimes strange but interesting. I love his style discret.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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