Evan Peix Has An Immense Bulge

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Okay guys, I think I'm temporarily trapped in a moment of bulge appreciation. It's okay, I like being here so don't call for assistance, unless the guys arriving are packing some serious bulge too lol

Male model Evan Peix is the latest handsome jock dude to catch my eye, and you'll see why when you scroll down to the tempting photos below.

Photographer Jade Young is responsible for this, and we're not complaining.

I know nothing about Evan Peix at the moment, but after enjoying this shoot you can bet I'm gonna be out there looking for more.

It might be some simple posing to show off the model and his various sexy undies but I have to say that I do enjoy the sporty jock slant created with the addition of some simple props.

It's all about Evan Peix and his package in these photos, and it's done very well. There's no distraction, you can just enjoy the sight of his handsome pouty face and that muscular body, and of course what looks like a very thick length of manhood packed tightly :)

Enjoy him, leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button and share the post too, I'm going to go and spend a little time seeing what else this handsome man has done in front of the cameras!

Have a great Thursday!

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5 years ago

I would love to shove my hard cock in those pouty lips of his

Reply to  Glenn
1 year ago

I would rather choke on HIS – or as much of it that would fit – in my mouth.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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