Etienne St-Germain – Rugged Hotness

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I know there are certainly not enough images in this post to satisfy most of you, but I had to share what I did find of this incredibly handsome young man when I discovered these photos. His name is Etienne St-Germain, and he's a stunning male model with that incredibly sexy rough look about him for this shoot by Robert Ferron.

As far as I understand it, these photos are for an Urban Cowboy story shoot, and I think they do a pretty good job. Although, I have to say, there's perhaps not enough flesh on show to really make is a proper cowboy themed collection. You know what I mean? We all love a hot young cowboy in some sexy tight jeans and a hat, with that facial scruff and a serious glint in his eye, but there needs to be more chest on show, and some abs too ;)

Still, even though I think they could have taken this a hell of a lot further, the dude is sexy as hell and any pics of that handsome face is enough to capture my interest. I'll definitely be out there looking for some more of this handsome young man when I get the chance.

You know when people say that scars can be sexy? Check out that scar on his upper lip and tell me it's not sexy. I have no idea why, but that makes him even hotter in my opinion.

Can you imagine him in a Rick Day shoot? Oh my, that's fired my imagination! lol

Etienne St-Germain - Rugged Hotness (1)

Etienne St-Germain - Rugged Hotness (2)

Etienne St-Germain - Rugged Hotness (3)

Etienne St-Germain - Rugged Hotness (4)

Etienne St-Germain - Rugged Hotness (5)

Etienne St-Germain - Rugged Hotness (6)

Etienne St-Germain - Rugged Hotness (7)

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11 years ago

Very nice features and smile!! thanks!!

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