Etienne St-Germain Naked

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After the post of sexy pics featuring Etienne St-Germain on the blog yesterday I just couldn't get him out of my mind and had to look for more. I'm glad I did, because I found some incredibly sexy photos of the gorgeous young man that I knew you guys would totally love to see.

Yes, we're getting to see sexy Etienne St-Germain naked!

Although, it has to be said that he's seemingly one of those guys who knows how to keep his fans guessing, covering himself up just a little and only offering a little peek of the goods. Still, with a gorgeous young man like him I'm happy with that.

I also managed to find out that this sexy man is a Hockey player too. I guess that's where the scar on his lip comes from. I don't know what it is about Hockey players, but there are a lot of sexy guys in the sport. Maybe it's just because I have a fetish for real masculine men, but I definitely find a lot of those guys really hot and sexy!

I will definitely be looking for more of this gorgeous guy in the future, so let me know if you happen to find anything more on him too. ;)

Etienne St-Germain Naked (1)

Etienne St-Germain Naked (2)

Etienne St-Germain Naked (3)

Etienne St-Germain Naked (4)

Etienne St-Germain Naked (5)

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