Erotic Dancer And Male Model Adrian HC

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We're all about the hot guys showing off their hot bods here and some of you probably hate it when I get all arty about a shoot, but you guys know I love it when a photographer takes a chance and does something differently. That's why I wanted to share this shoot by the awesome Adrián C. Martín.

Okay, the model showing off his bod is reason enough, but the style of this one really grabbed me too.

I've long been a fan of this photographer, and not just because he has great taste in men.

This shoot is pretty interesting, not least because it's deliberately grainy and deliberately flooded with lustful red. I think it's quite fitting given that Adrian HC is an exotic dancer. Was that the intention? I don't know, but it works, and that's what it got me thinking.

This isn't the first time we've seen this big muscled hunk on the blog, we've enjoyed some awesome photos of him out in the woods in the past, showing off more flesh. Those photos were by Adrián C. Martín too, so I guess they have something of a good professional relationship.

I get it. I would be wanting to shoot with this handsome muscled hunk all the time if I could :)

Enjoy the pics, let me know what you think about the style of the shoot in the comments. Hit that thumbs-up button too!

Have an awesome Saturday.

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5 years ago

I don’t care for the red. You can hardly see anything!

5 years ago

Red…good. We only get impressions from this shoot. I wouldn’t want a coffee table book full of it, but a little is interesting. Is that a crown tattoo above his junk? THAT makes an interesting statement. I’d probably put a magnifying glass above mine.

5 years ago

nothing to see here – move along …

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