Erotic Artist Kent Neffendorf Delivers Big Dicks In His Work

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I think Sunday is a good day for an erotic art break, isn't it?

We see a lot of hot male models here on the blog but now and then I like to feature an artist who's caught my attention.

Some of you might know I like to dabble. I have a few paintings I wish I had time to finish and when I find the time I like to sit down and do a little sketching. So, when I find an artist like Kent Neffendorf they grab my attention and I feel the urge to share them with you guys.

While these examples are all apparently in pencil he works in other mediums too. He's a successful artist and while these are very erotic a lot of his mainstream work is sexy and suggestive without being as blatant as these examples.

There's definitely a sporty theme to a lot of his erotic male work which I can really appreciate. When it comes to depicting men (he does paint pin-up women, too) he really seems to have that masculine and butch feel just right.

I love all these images and while I would love to own one I don't know where I could put it. Maybe I need to see if there's a coffee table book of his work I can find somewhere?

Would you have any of these on a wall somewhere? Maybe a calendar in your office? lol

Let me know in the comments, and have a lovely Sunday!

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D. Ick
D. Ick
3 years ago

Great work – a kind of non leather version of Tom of Finland

3 years ago

Oh yes, I like this very much! Are there any books of him?

3 years ago

Kent Neffendorf does great looking gay art. Thanks for sharing some of his work. Hugs, Gordon

3 years ago

These are amazing!

3 years ago

Whether it’s thee Tom of Finland or this dude, their pictures are clearly wish fulfillment and nothing more. I get a kick out how folks are so easily impressed by these fetched, completely out of proportion depictions of the male body. Let’s stick to photos — retouched though they may be — at least the penises shown are “real.”

And, all of this is beside the point; if there’s nothing between the ears and coming from the heart, a big prick cannot EVER make up for that.

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