Eric Jurado Has That Smoulder Down!

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You know, it's sometimes interesting what I learn when I'm out there looking for more information about a model I'm featuring on the blog.

Today I discovered that red is in when it comes to underwear for men.

Handsome hunk Eric Jurado is showing off some sexy red undies in this new shoot for Adrian C. Martin, a photographer we're more than a little familiar with.

There's not a whole lot of info out there about Mr. Jurado at the moment, but we do know he's from Tenerife, and I think he might be the first male model we've seen from the island. Has he just started out? Perhaps, but after enjoying this sexy shoot I'm hoping we can find more of him later this year.

He's a handsome guy, and he kind of reminds me of Eric McCormack from Will & Grace, back in the 00's when the show was just starting out.

If you didn't have a major crush on him back then you should probably just leave now. lol

Anyway, enjoy his hotness, check out that bod, that bulge and that handsome face, and leave a comment if you want to see more of him. Maybe I'll spend some time doing a little digging :)

Have a great Tuesday!

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5 years ago

Oh dear. By accident I hit thumb up when I aimed for thumb down and one can’t correct an error.

5 years ago

One cardboard ‘smoulder’ expression. One trick pony.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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