Enjoying The Incredible Body Of Andrew Holztrager
Where the hell did this week go? I can't believe it's Thursday already, but I'm definitely looking forward to the weekend and getting out of this stuffy office. I have a date with a very sexy man and I'm already getting good vibes. I think it's going to go extremely well :)
And speaking of very sexy men...
Okay, my transitions aren't getting any better and I know it lol
Check out Andrew Holztrager!
I have reader "J.A." to thank for this. I love it when you guys suggest hotties for me to check out and share on the blog, and J.A. definitely hit the mark with this rugged muscle stud.
He's a handsome guy, but that awesome body is what we're really fixated on, or at least I am. I was out there looking around for more of him this morning and I found quite a lot, I'm surprised we haven't had him here before.
Yes, you can be pretty damn sure we're gonna be seeing more of the gorgeous hunk after this, that's assuming you guys want to see more, of course! Let me know in the comments.
Have a fab Thursday!

Too chunky for me. Next!
good body, but too busy with the art work. Waste of time, money, and good appearance.