Enjoy The Powerful Physique Of Male Model Drazen Pérez

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It's very rare for me to start a post with a criticism, but in this case I can already predict that there might be some comments about the lighting in this shoot and I want to let you know that I agree lol

You know I love good lighting, especially when it shows off a model's incredible body in just the right way. Personally I think this is a little too dark and there could have been a secondary lower light to add a little more dimension to his body.

We deserve to see more of Drazen Pérez and his fine physique!

Still, he's an incredibly hunky man with an awesome body and we deserve to enjoy him in this shoot by JJ Malibu.

I don't know a whole lot about him but I think he lives and works in Spain. I know we haven't seen him here on the blog but after enjoying the sight of him (despite the lighting lol) in this shoot I think I might need to do a little more digging and see what else there is of him.

It seems he has a lot packed into those snug little briefs, so I wonder if he's been willing to reveal all for a photographer already?

Enjoy him, leave a comment, hit the thumbs up button, share the post and all that lovely stuff.

See you back here tomorrow, have a lovely Wednesday!

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2 years ago

Red is color of passion , Bordeaux’s red is a great French wine , and shadows are very very suggestive , I’m fan , but ,” juste une question de goût”

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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