Enjoy The Big Underwear Bulge Of Atila Escolano

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There's a lot to love about this handsome male model but that big underwear bulge definitely caught my eye immediately.

His name is Atila Escolano and we've never seen him here before. We have seen the expert photography of Joan Crisol plenty of times, though.

I'm actually surprised we've never seen this handsome guy before. He's apparently a big name in the modeling business and he's worked with plenty of photographers and brands.

He's based out of Milan, so I guess he's probably more used to the catwalk and high-fashion.

Whatever the reason for us not seeing him before I think we'll be seeing a lot more of him from now on.

I'm gonna be out there looking for more shots of him and his big underwear bulge :)

The down side to him being so well-known is that he probably hasn't posed naked. You know we're always looking for shoots like that.

Maybe we'll see that in the future?

In the meantime, enjoy him and his package. Leave a comment and hit the thumbs-up button. Share the post so your friends and followers get to enjoy him!

I'm gonna go and battle against my urge to buy some more underwear. I have to admit those black netting briefs are tempting :)

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11 months ago

pour la beauté des lignes , il vaut le détour et son visage aussi

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