Enjoy More of The Incredible Muscle Hunk Jorge Cobian

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Whenever this incredible muscle hunk crossed my path I feel the urge to write about him.

Happy Wednesday everyone! I can't believe we're in the middle of the week already. I will be glad when this one is over and I can relax for a couple days. It's been... hectic.

I'm taking a mini-break this morning and enjoying the sight of gorgeous hunk Jorge Cobian once again. We've seen him here at Gay Body Blog a few times already but I don't think we're ever gonna get tired of seeing that handsome face, that incredible body and his very impressive cock bulge.

MDZmanagement is responsible for this sexy series of pics, and they're in theme with a lot of what he's done before. Clearly everyone knows what his best assets are because he's always shirtless and almost always bulging in some underwear or swimwear.

We all get it, right? If we all looked like this we would probably be naked most of the time. I can imagine they might have to beg him to put something on :)

We haven't seen him completely naked, yet, but I hope we won't have to wait too long for that. He seems like the kind of confident and super sexy man who might just need the right photographer with the right style.

Don't worry, we'll be here to enjoy that if it happens. You can bet this handsome stud is on my list of guys to check out routinely.

Enjoy this incredible muscle hunk again, leave a comment, hit that thumbs up button and share him with your friends and followers out there.

Have a fantastic Wednesday!

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3 years ago

Just stunning … we can never have too much of George. And, to see that he is a fellow Christian (see earrings), only adds to his resume to apply for the position of my future husband.

To quote Oliver Twist, “please sir, I want some more”.

3 years ago

He already has showed his beautiful uncut cock before

3 years ago

Plenty of x vids of him…just google his name + naked.

3 months ago


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