Enjoy More Of Gorgeous Model And Soccer Player Lance Parker

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Model and soccer player Lance Parker is so gorgeous, and so damn sexy!

The last time we saw this insanely handsome and fit man was back in September of 2019. I now call it 'the before times'. :)

Click here to see all his previous posts.

I don't know why we haven't enjoyed Lance Parker again until now. I think it might be because he hasn't been in front of the cameras as much as he was about six or seven years ago.

Maybe he's just getting on with other things. I can't imagine photographers would have lost interest in this gorgeous man.

You might recall that I developed a bit of a crush on this guy when I started looking into him back in 2015. I discovered that he does voluntary work for animal charities. Needless to say, that's an instant win for me.

Of course it helps that he's incredibly handsome, awesomely fit and damn sexy, too.

He's a London guy and played football for Edmonton FC. I don't know if he still is, I don't really pay any attention to football. Still, I am surprised that I can't seem to find a single photo shoot out there of him sexily showing off in a football kit.

And he definitely knows how to show off. He's apparently got quite a lot to show. If the random bulge pics we've seen are anything to go by (and they are).

He's not the shy type and I read somewhere that he's just comfortable in his own skin and enjoys the sexy tease.

We enjoy it too, right?

Someone get him in front of the cameras for Stas Vokman!

Enjoy soccer player Lance Parker again, leave a comment and let me know what you think, hit that thumbs-up button and so on.

Have a lovely Friday!

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3 years ago

I melt away!

3 years ago

du tout beau et bon, non ?

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