Ending The Weekend With Logan Swiecki-Taylor

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Is your Sunday going well? I hope so. I'm just about to sit down to a rather late Sunday lunch but I had to get this post of pics up on the blog before I finish at my desk for the day, and what a way to end the weekend too! Whenever there's a new sexy shoot featuring Logan Swiecki-Taylor out there you know I'm gonna get those pics on the blog. The guy is one of the most attractive male models in the world, and the Rufskin brand certainly scored a coup when they got this guy as their face and body of the brand. I think it goes without saying that we almost automatically associate him with them, and them with him. It's a perfect combination, and when you have a talented photographer like Hubert Pierre Pouches taking the photos it leads to something as gorgeous and tempting as this sexy shoot. Although Logan Swiecki-Taylor is pretty well known for showing off that amazing body in his shoots for them, there are real gems where he gets totally naked and shows off that stunning ass too. I think they've realized that showing off a little more flesh gets them a little more attention :) Have a great Sunday guys, enjoy these stunning images, leave a comment and give him a thumbs up. Ending The Weekend With Logan Swiecki-Taylor 1 Ending The Weekend With Logan Swiecki-Taylor 2 Ending The Weekend With Logan Swiecki-Taylor 3 Ending The Weekend With Logan Swiecki-Taylor 4 Ending The Weekend With Logan Swiecki-Taylor 5 Ending The Weekend With Logan Swiecki-Taylor 6 Ending The Weekend With Logan Swiecki-Taylor 7 Ending The Weekend With Logan Swiecki-Taylor 8

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