Eian Scully Looking Fine, As Always

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Check out handsome male model Eian Scully looking gorgeous, as always, in some simple black and white shots in what looks like a portfolio update by his management agency.

I know these are going to have you wanting more of him, and while I almost passed up sharing him in this post because there's not a whole lot in this collection to enjoy I just couldn't close that tab and not have him back on here!

We've seen him several times before of course, and you really need to check him out in those posts to fully appreciate him in all his magnificence. He's really not a shy guy, and he has quite a lot to show off in those shoots too. My only complaint is that he's not getting his dick out more often.

For instance, remember when he got his cock out for an outside shoot by Matthias Vriens-McGrath?

How about the dreamy pics of him looking like a country jock out on the farm?

These pics might not be spectacular in comparison to those, but there's no denying that the handsome young man is sexy no matter what, and always worth sharing on here with you guys.

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9 years ago

One thing about Eian: he’s a big guy! Let’s see some of that SOUL

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