Edward Wilding For Wonderland Magazine

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Aside from the presence of gorgeous British male model Edward Wilding there is something incredibly sexy about this shoot, and I cannot put my finger on exactly what it is. I might be talking nonsense of course (I often do) but there is something unusually sexy about the setting for this one too, with him in it. I think it's the impression that we've entered a student bedroom to find him lounging around in his underwear! lol

This is apparently the first time we've shared any photos of Edward Wilding on the blog, and I have to assume that this is because he's new to the business or something. Surely someone would have pointed me in his direction before if he'd been out there for a while?

He's so handsome, and he has a great body too. He's one of those I like to call a "twonk", a twink just on the verge of becoming a jock. I love guys like that, there's something special about them.

He's photographed by Cuneyt Akeroglu for this shoot for Wonderland Magazine, showing off some of the wares of DSQUARED2.

Yes, I will be seeking some more photos of this handsome young man, you can bet on that ;)

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Edward Wilding For Wonderland Magazine 1

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11 years ago

Just a glimpse of his briefs – yet enough to be so hot and sexy!! Thanks for posting.

Комментатор событий
Комментатор событий
11 years ago

fantastic set.

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