Dylan Hart Lends A Hand

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I have to first start this post off by saying how hung over I am. I don't normally get the headache and all that, just a feeling of lethargic "ickyness", but my head is pounding right now!

And I have to add that I had some real shitty news today. I just found out that my best buddy is moving out of the city, 200 miles away. I wouldn't care so much about that, it's his life after all and we would still catch up a couple of times a year. But what annoys me more is that he couldn't be bothered to tell me. I had to find out from someone else.

What does it say about a friendship when the person you view as your closest friend for over ten years doesn't tell you that he's moving 200 miles away? Maybe I'm just being dramatic, but to me that's the kind of thing you tell your closest friend.

Anyway, I'm drowning my sorrows tonight, and I'm still cruising the net today looking for something to cheer me up. This guy cheers me up a little. His name is Dylan Hart, and he's photographed by Sean Higgins for this interesting collection of pics. I can't say I get it, but it's still interesting, and the guy is still hot!

So, I'll be back tomorrow, hopefully feeling a little better. Let me know if you think I'm out of line for being pissed at my buddy, or if you think I'm right to be upset about it. I really would like to know your thoughts.

Dylan Hart Lends A Hand (1)

Dylan Hart Lends A Hand (2)

Dylan Hart Lends A Hand (3)

Dylan Hart Lends A Hand (4)

Dylan Hart Lends A Hand (5)

Dylan Hart Lends A Hand (6)

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12 years ago

honesty ,for me, is top five of my list for friends…..I am sorry you thought he was close to you but this just shows you clearly that he’s not…I am pretty good at cutting them off if they did that to me…no emails, no communication..I don’t know how long you knew him, was he more then a friend etc..but that is so shitty to do to a person and believe me, I have had it dome to me BUT they’ll never see/hear from me again…now a member of your close family is a bit different but I still do it with one of my older Brother’s wife…she fucking stabbed me in the back..BRUTUS!!!

We love you Conran!!

12 years ago


you are hot
email me
want a real chance to travel
new career
meet kings

12 years ago

I am sorry your friend let you down, but I don’t feel the same way. I think there may be more going on, and your friend may not have known how to break this to you. I think communication is the most important thing we have, but most people are shitty at it. I’d reach out to your friend, let him know he let you down by not talking to you, and wish him well. At that point, it’s in his court.

In the meantime, keep doing what you’re doing with the blog. You have great taste, and you help to brighten my day!


12 years ago

HUGS Conran, I agree maybe he didn`t know how to tell you he is moving. love all the pics you post ! love, Tony

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