Dusty Lachowicz Drives Me Wild

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It's been almost five years since we first saw handsome jock Dusty Lachowicz here on the blog, and in that time we've only seen him once again. I'm not sure why he hasn't been photographed a millions times since then but apparently he hasn't. I was reminded of him again this morning and I got out there hoping to see masses of pics, but I was a little disappointed.

I did find some really sexy shots of the guy that we haven't seen before, though, so of course I had to get another post together.

If you don't know about him then allow me to fill you in, so to speak...

He's from a small town in Wisconsin and when we first saw him back in 2014 he was planning to become a firefighter and paramedic. As he's now signed on with Ford Models and has a significant social media presence I'm guessing he changed his career plans?

If so, why is it so hard to find some new photos of this handsome hunk showing off that damn fine body? Come on photographers, get your cameras out and start shooting some classy art with this guy, he shouldn't just be wearing clothes for fashion brands.

Anyway, enough of me complaining, check out some very sexy pics of this very sexy guy and let me know in the comments what you think of him. I can probably already guess you're having some dirty thoughts :)

Have a great Friday!

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5 years ago

Flaw. Less. And whoever had him shave his chest needs to have their heads examined. The scruff and such just adds to his masculine beauty.

5 years ago

He drives me wild too. I totally agree with you , I like my men with a little hair on their chests.

craig stirling
craig stirling
4 years ago

at scott… its called air brushing.

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