Dsquared2 Disappoints With Their Shoot Featuring Pietro Boselli

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Yeah I said it, Dsquared2 has disappointed us with this shoot, because there's not enough of gorgeous Pietro Boselli to satisfy and he's wearing too much pesky clothing, again! When will these brands learn that when you have a gorgeous hunk like this dude in front of your cameras you make the most of it and take thousands of photos, with as little clothing as possible? I mean, I know he's supposed to be showing off their gear for this new line titled "Bitch Where" (I really don't get it) but can't they just have him be naked and holding stuff up for the cameras? And do I even need to say anything about the complete and total lack of originality in the shoot? There's a terrible boring background which reminds me of terrifyingly bad school photos, he's wearing shades in one, which unless you're promoting shades or modeling out at the beach just makes you look like a massive douche, and those shorts with words across the ass are so 2010 it's not even funny. Okay, enough bitching, he's a gorgeous guy and we love every chance we get to ogle his gorgeous body, I just wish it was another brand with a little more originality and style :) Incidentally, I think I might take a walk to the printing place later and have some T-shirts and B-ball caps made with "Bitch Here" on them. If that's all it takes to make money in clothing these days I think mine would do better, at least it would make more sense lol Dsquared2 Disappoints With Their Shoot Featuring Pietro Boselli 1 Dsquared2 Disappoints With Their Shoot Featuring Pietro Boselli 2 Dsquared2 Disappoints With Their Shoot Featuring Pietro Boselli 3 Dsquared2 Disappoints With Their Shoot Featuring Pietro Boselli 4 Dsquared2 Disappoints With Their Shoot Featuring Pietro Boselli 5

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8 years ago

” beatch better get me my money!”.. BBB oring

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