Drop The Towel Rafael Lisboa!

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Wow, do I have something hot for you guys today! Check out gorgeous young hunk Rafael Lisboa and prepare to drool, while you have some incredible naughty thoughts in the process. It's impossible to look at this stunning man and not let your imagination run away with you, taking you to some very interesting places :) He's a Brazilian hottie I was pretty sure we've seen on the Gay Body Blog before, but it seems we haven't. Or at least I can't find him in the many hundreds of posts on the site already. Believe me though, this is not going to be the last time we see him. He's been photographed by André Lucas for this shoot, a particularly teasing and slightly erotic one that has every viewer craving more. The 28 year old English Teacher, Model and Athlete (I don't know what athletics he's into, but I can suggest some activities I would love to participate with him in lol) is looking like he's sharing a shower with us after a good workout... and I think I'll just leave that little mental image there and let you guys enjoy it :) Check out his pics, leave a comment, share the post, do all that lovely stuff! Most importantly, drink in the sight of this man and spend some time thinking about him in the gym showers. Drop The Towel Rafael Lisboa 1 Drop The Towel Rafael Lisboa 2 Drop The Towel Rafael Lisboa 3 Drop The Towel Rafael Lisboa 4 Drop The Towel Rafael Lisboa 5 Drop The Towel Rafael Lisboa 6 Drop The Towel Rafael Lisboa 7 Drop The Towel Rafael Lisboa 8 Drop The Towel Rafael Lisboa 9 Drop The Towel Rafael Lisboa 10 Drop The Towel Rafael Lisboa 11 Drop The Towel Rafael Lisboa 12 Drop The Towel Rafael Lisboa 13 Drop The Towel Rafael Lisboa 14

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Alex Casanova
8 years ago

Wet and sexy!

Miklos Prisznyak
8 years ago

Beautiful wet body.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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